Reminiscing About The First Time You Threw In A Dip

Tonight is basically the most perfect night ever.  I’ve watched about 15 straight hours of TV and have eaten a shit ton of fried food.   Not sure you’ll believe this with how riveting these two games were, but I even squeezed in a few naps with the soothing sounds of the Quick Lane and St. Petersburg Bowls playing in the background.  And, needless to say I have gone through almost an entire can of dip.


Anyways, my day is humming along all hunky dory and dinner comes along where I wolfed down two Italian sausages and noticed the Sandlot was on MLB Net.  Great movie.  Love the scene where they throw in the chaw at the carnival.

It gots me thinking about the first time I dipped.  Sophomore year in HS at the IMAX movie theater in Lisle watching Sin City.  Skoal Citrus.  Shit was delicious, it tasted like cotton candy!!! For the first 3 minutes or so that was.  I didn’t puke cuz I’m #SuburbanChicagoTough but vividly remember my body temperature rising about 1000 degrees, sweating my ass off, feeling like I was sitting in one of those vibrating massaging chairs.  Buzzed my tits off for about an hour straight.  Had a laugh with myself thinking back to that great moment in my life some 12 years or so ago.

Anyways, figured I’d send the bat signal out on twitter to get some other first timer stories.  As could be guessed, they didn’t disappoint.

Whole lotta puking, spinning and buzzing going on in my mentions tonight.  Hilarious.

Now if you’ll excuse me, Benny the Jet is in the middle of pickling the Beast and I can’t miss it.  If you’d like to share the story of your first time dipping, feel free to do so in the comment section.

PS – Dip, ranked:

5. Grizzly Wintergreen

4. Grizzly Wintergreen

3. Grizzly Straight

2. Grizzly Wintergreen

1. Grizzly Wintergreen

PPS – If you’re a hardo who says “you’re a pussy if you don’t dip Copenhagen” I hope all the worst things in the world happen to you.

PPPS – whoever made the law in Chicago where you can’t get flavored dip within a 1/4 mile of an elementary school is a huge asshole (apparently Wintergreen qualifies)

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